Terms and Conditions

Magic Millions Racing Women supported by TAB Achievement Awards 2025 – Magic Millions Sales Pty Ltd: UBET QLD Limited: MM Racing Women Scholarship: Magic Millions Racing Women Achievement Awards

Magic Millions Sales Pty Ltd (ABN 54 078 396 317) of 28 Ascot Court, Bundall QLD 4217 (“MM”) and UBET QLD Ltd (ABN 84 085 691 738) of 180 Ann Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 (“TAB”) have entered into a sponsorship agreement, a term and condition of which is to set up an activation committee (“Activation Committee”) comprising representatives of MM and TAB to focus on Magic Millions Racing Women (“MM Racing Women”) and to set up an activation fund (“Activation Fund”) to fund initiatives to promote MM Racing Women which involves the establishment of a scholarship for MM Racing Women (“Scholarship”) to be awarded for achievements in the Racing Industry and forming the MM Racing Women Achievement Awards (“MMRW Awards”) the terms and conditions with respect to nomination for same and participation therein are set out below.

  1. Nominations for the MMRW Awards can be made by any person or party but preferably by a personal party involved in or interested in the thoroughbred industry.
  2. Only individuals resident in Australia can be nominated for the MMRW Awards. A nominee must be a current resident of the state or territory of the MMRW Award they are being nominated for. One nomination form per MMRW Award category is required per person nominated. 
  3. Nominations close at midnight (AEST) on Wednesday 20 November 2024. Nominations received after this date will not be accepted. Self-nominees must provide details of two referees in support of the nominee. Third-party nominators must supply details of one referee (other than the nominator) for the nominee.
  4. All nominations must be submitted by the nominator to the MMRW Awards judging panel (“the Panel”) appointed by the Activation Committee using the nomination form on the Magic Millions website www.magicmillions.com.au and must be accompanied by a written form of consent from the nominee agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions.
  5. The Activation Committee and the Panel will have the right to disclose the identity of each nominator and details of all nominees, subject to Term and Condition 22, and the rights referred to in Term and Condition 15 with respect to each nominator and nominee.
  6. Nominators and finalists agree to be contacted to verify any information submitted and the eligibility of the nominee. Nominators ought to consider the need to notify the nominee’s employer before making a nomination.
  7. The Panel comprises individuals from across the thoroughbred and related industries. The Panel may require some additional information in order to make its determinations. Nominees must make themselves available at their cost, if required, to be interviewed by the Panel.
  8. The Panel will aim, but is not required, to select up to two finalists and one winner for each of the following five MMRW Award categories: “2025 Racing Woman of the Year: Queensland”, “2025 Racing Woman of the Year: NSW & ACT”, “2025 Racing Woman of the Year: Victoria”, “2025 Racing Woman of the Year: Tasmania & South Australia” and “2025 Racing Woman of the Year: WA & NT”.
  9. Each of the MMRW Award category finalists will be notified in advance of the MMRW Awards Dinner and must be available to attend (in person) at their cost but subject to Term and Condition 10 the dinner and related activities at the venue chosen by the Activation Committee on, Friday 3 January 2025 (or on such date as the Activation Committee may otherwise advise). The finalists will be notified by phone and/or email, by a representative of the Panel and their details will be released to the media.
  10. The Activation Committee will provide at its cost for the finalists of each of the MMRW Award categories: 1 x economy class return airfare to the MMRW Awards Dinner venue from the finalists’ nearest capital city, 2 x tickets to attend the MMRW Awards Dinner and one night’s accommodation in a standard room in a hotel to be nominated by the Activation Committee. The Activation Committee will also meet pre-approved transfers to and from airports. The finalists will be responsible for any incidental travel expenses.
  11. The winner of the each MMRW Award category will receive the Scholarship in an amount equal to AUD $10,000.00 which will be contributed to the Activation Fund by TAB, such amount will not be used other than as represented in the nomination form submitted or interviews to be undertaken by the nominee with the Panel.
  12. The Scholarship will be paid by electronic funds transfer by MM as soon as practically possible following MMRW Awards Dinner. The Scholarship is not transferable or exchangeable.
  13. All monies will be paid subject to applicable taxes and deductions. There is no alternative prize available.
  14. All nominees may be required to participate in publicity generated for the MMRW Awards.
  15. MM and TAB will have the right to use the likeness, name, voice, image, visage, signature, reputation and anything else that identifies, directly or indirectly, a nominator or nominee to market and promote MM and TAB, the MMRW Awards and the MMRW Awards Dinner and its subsequent marketing and promotion enterprises, and, such rights will be free of charge to MM or TAB.  Each nominator and nominee warrants that they have full legal capacity and power to make and accept the nomination and accept, acknowledge and agree that they have understood these terms and conditions prior to making and accepting the nomination on the nomination form referred to Term and Condition 4.  Each nominator and nominee assigns and transfers to MM and TAB their copyright (and goodwill attached thereto) in all material in all forms of media arising from the right of use referred to in this Term and Condition 15.
  16. The Panel’s decision is final and made at its sole and complete discretion. No correspondence will be entered into. The Panel and the Activation Committee retain full discretion in the awarding of the Scholarship. They may also decide to not make a MMRW Award in a category or categories in their absolute discretion without giving a reason for such decision.
  17. The Activation Committee reserves the right to change the conditions of a nomination, change a nomination to another category, and / or cancel, or vary the MMRW Awards process at any time, whether before, on, or after the closing date for nominations and the Activation Committee and the Panel have the right to reject any nomination without giving a reason in their absolute discretion.
  18. The conduct of inviting nominations does not give rise to any legal or equitable relationship.
  19. Breach of these terms and conditions of a nomination will render a nomination invalid.
  20. No person will be entitled to claim compensation for loss from the Activation Committee, MM, the Panel or TAB for any matter in connection with the MMRW Awards, including, but not limited to, a failure by any of them, or any organiser to comply with the conditions of a nomination. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Queensland and entrants and nominees hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Queensland courts in connection with any legal dispute that may arise regarding any aspect of the MMRW Awards or these terms and conditions.
  21. No nominator, nominee or winner of a MMRW Award will disparage or harm MM or TAB or its name or reputation or bring them into disrepute, contempt, scandal or ridicule and will not do anything that offends public opinion or the sensibilities of any class or group and will, at all times, comply with all applicable laws.
  22. Privacy –Further to Term and Condition 15, upon completing the nomination form, nominees grant free and full rights to the Activation Committee, MM, the Panel and TAB to use all information provided through the nomination and acceptance process and the MMRW Awards and the MMRW Awards Dinner, additional submissions, correspondence, photographs and videos at their discretion including, but not limited to, media and promotional purposes.  MMRW Award organisers will use the personal information from the application for the purpose for which it has been provided and for directly related purposes such as contacting the applicant/ nominee, assessing the merits of the nomination and to promote shortlisted and winning nominations. Successful nominees may be asked to agree to make themselves available for other promotional activities outside the MMRW Awards Dinner.